A very good friend of mine, Peter Hanegraaf whom I met in Pasadena, built a customized easel for me back in 1998. I remember when I spoke to him about it, he just jotted down a few notes and asked a few questions about what I wanted in design. All I wanted was an easel that could spin around and turn upside down because I liked to paint upsides down sometimes, especially when I get stuck creatively. A few weeks later, he surprised me with the beautiful easel mounted on a lazy susan. It is adjustable to accomadate small and large canvases and it also has a 'hand brake' to lock to whatever angle I set my canvas at.
It is now 2008, very close to 2009 and I am finally able to mount this easel onto my studio wall! I had it done tonight and I am very eager to use it. Why did it take so long for me to mount it? I am currently living in a house where my studio is finally big enough to accommodate a spinning wall mounted easel! Ten years, three cities and 4 children later I finally have this beautiful easel up and ready to go! I'm naming this the 'Hanegraaf Easel', after Peter. Peter, if you are reading this, you are a good man. Oh by the way, Peter built this for me free of charge. Good man indeed.