Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Still Wet

well, Wild Oats 008 is still wet. it has been about three days since i put down my brushes on this painting. i never use driers (copal medium, cobalt drier, japan drier, liquin, are there any others?) so i have to wait for the paints to dry in its own chemical terms, however that works. the client is expecting this painting by the 15th....hmmm.


Anonymous said...

Some juicy paint there, donald~ maybe you can post a bigger pic of the finished piece? it looks good enough to eat!

Unknown said...

yeah, that's what i was after, to try to get the 'juiciness' factor in the paint thickness. but this makes the whole process a few days longer. not to mention all the cadmiums i had to use, in its most saturated form puts me in a place where i have no drying control. i want to glaze it already!